Sell Your Diamonds
To The Top Online Diamond Buyer

At, we buy diamonds of all shapes and sizes. Whether you are looking to sell your diamond jewelry or loose diamonds, our experienced GIA-educated appraisers have the knowledge and expertise concerning diamonds from all over the world.
We work closely with you during the appraisal to provide you with the best price for your diamonds. As a top diamond buyer, we will ensure you have white-glove service from door to door. Learn more about how our process works.
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How We Test and Examine the Diamonds You Are Selling
When we receive your diamond jewelry, we proceed to test each piece using state-of-the-art technology. Our GIA Graduate Gemologists also carefully examine the item. Finally, we will confirm your diamonds are real using diamond testers that measure heat and fluorescence.
You can expect to receive the most money selling jewelry that contains a high percentage of precious metal. But we do, on occasion, buy gold-filled items, though these items do not include much gold, which reduces the price we can pay.
Here is a list of things we examine:
Heat Absorption
When testing your diamond jewelry, we will measure the rate in which heat will move through the stone to determine its authenticity. Heat will pass through a diamond differently than it would cubic zirconia or glass.
Visual Inspection
Our trusted GIA Graduate Gemologist inspects your diamond jewelry using a triplet-type, 10 X loupe, which doesn’t distort the colors and image throughout the vision field. This is to get a clear view of the cut, clarity, color of your diamond jewelry. These characteristics help us determine the worth of the diamond in addition to the carat size.
Electrical Conductivity
Moissanite, however, does conduct heat like diamonds. For this reason, we use a device that uses electrical conductivity to test stone which provides greater accuracy, in additional to recognizing metal for if we are unknowingly touching the setting.
Market Demand
Lastly, once we have appraised your diamonds, we will reach out to our network of industry buyers to get the price for how much your diamond is worth in the market. Using this information we have gathered we will present an offer for your diamond jewelry.
Find out how much your diamond jewelry is worth today! Click here to request your free appraisal kit
Understanding the 4C’S of Diamonds
It is not just us, but for sellers to explicitly know diamonds and diamond jewelry. Here is all you need to know about the 4C’s of diamonds.
Cut: Cut is the only thing man does to a diamond to enhance its beauty. The cut of a diamond determines the proportion, symmetry, and polish of a diamond and is the most relevant factor in bringing a diamond from pretty to gorgeous. Well-cut diamonds allow light to enter through the top (also known as the crown) and act as a series of perfect windows and mirrors — refracting the light to create a radiant prism of color. As the light reflects through the crown, it disperses into a luminous burst of shimmer and sparkle, enough to light up the room.
When cuts are too deep or shallow, light can get lost through the sides of the diamond, or it may travel straight through the diamond before it can be reflected. Either way, the signature fire and brilliance so adored in diamonds are compromised. A well-cut diamond offers the perfect angles (its proportion), precise alignment, and a smooth, clear polish to provide ultimate reflection, dispersion, fire, and brilliance. Did you know that the cut determines 40% of the diamond’s value? That is how crucial this feature is to your diamond.
Color: The second consideration when buying a diamond is color. Color refers to the presence or absence of an overall tint or shade of a diamond. When diamonds are formed, trace elements may be trapped inside, causing a visible shade in the diamond’s color. Virtually all diamonds will have a typical color, and just as you can see differences in fire, brilliance, and sparkle, you can also see differences in diamond body color. The rarest diamonds are colorless and have the appearance of clear distilled water. And of course, 30% of the diamond’s value is determined by color.
Clarity: Clarity is the third most important of the 4C’s. Many diamonds have natural inclusions that may interfere with the clearness of a diamond. Clarity refers to the degree of those inclusions. The fewer a diamond has, the more valuable it is. Unless a diamond has very obvious inclusions that can be seen without magnification, its beauty will not be affected. Better-cut diamonds will disperse brilliance that masks inclusions.
25% of the diamond’s value is determined by color.
Carat: Accounting for only 5% of a diamond’s value, Carat Weight applies to the actual weight of the diamond. One carat weighs 1/5 of a gram and is divided into 100 smaller units of weight called points. Hence, a 50 point diamond would be a 1/2 carat.
Only one in a million diamonds can become a 1-carat diamond or more, making them more valuable.
Carat weight is truly a personal choice. It has no bearing on the quality or value, leaving it the last of the 4C’s to consider. When shopping for a diamond, keep in mind that a 1-carat diamond appears much more prominent on a smaller hand than it would on a larger one.
How We Test The 4C’s Of Diamond During Appraising
At, we examine and test your diamonds to confirm their authenticity. When reviewing your diamonds, we are looking at the 4C’s: Your diamond’s color, clarity, cut, and carat size. This information will factor into your offer amount. Learn more about the 4C’s today!

Color: Within the diamond world, the less color, the better! Colorless diamonds (D, E, and F) and nearly colorless (G, H, I, and J) will be worth more than diamonds with a lower color grade and show more of a yellow tint.

Cut: The diamond’s cut will affect how it takes and releases light, i.e., its sparkle! Diamonds with an excellent cut will be worth more than diamonds with fair to poor grading.

Clarity: Does your diamond have inclusion or blemishes on the stone? The placement, number of inclusions, and size of the inclusion can significantly affect the worth of the stone.

Carat: The apparent size of the diamond according to its weight. Keep in mind, the larger the diamond doesn’t always mean the cost will increase. If it has high ratings in the other categories, a smaller diamond can sometimes be worth more than a larger diamond with lower gradings in the different types.
We will calculate our offer based on your diamond’s characteristics and pay a percentage of its wholesale market price. While we accept all diamonds, we are most interested in diamonds over .5 carats. If you have diamond jewelry you want to sell, get started selling diamonds online by requesting a kit today!